HUFFELDUFF's book page

Welcome to my book page. Here you will find my completed translation works as well as information about upcoming publications. I am in the process of removing my books from commercial circulation, converting their licences to a more permissible license model and then making them available online. When I have completed this process I will post the links to them here.

HOW I ESCAPED by J. L. de Villiers

This is the real life adventure of the Boer officer J. L. de Villiers as a prisoner of war and fugitive during the Anglo-Boer war. It was translated from Afrikaans/Dutch into English by myself. Please download the PDF file on as it was the original that was uploaded. All the other formats are the mangled conversions done by


Hierdie boek 'Die lewe en moraliteit van Jesus van Nasaret', was saamgestel deur een van Amerika se bekendste staats-vaders Thomas Jefferson. Wat die inhoud betref is dit 'n kronologiese samestelling van die lewe van Jesus soos vertel deur die skrywers van die vier kanonieke evangelies.

Jefferson verwyder enige verwysings in die teks na die wonderwerke en goddelike aspekte van Jesus se verhaal. Die doel van hierdie oefening is sodat die leser 'n insig verkry in die lewe van Jesus as mens en nie as 'n verhewe God nie. Maar watter doel sou dit dien om Jesus as mens te sien en nie as bonatuurlike verlosser nie?

Die antwoord is redelik ooglopend in die feit dat enige gelowige nie Jesus se voetstappe presies kan navolg nie. Die krag en mag om wonderwerke te verrig ontbreek ongelukkig in die oorgrote meerderheid se realiteit. Wat wel deur die gelowige vermag kan word is om die filosofie en sedes van Jesus as mens te ondersoek en om daardie gedeeltes van sy lewe te bepeins en toe te pas. Dit is hierdie filisofiese kortpad wat hierdie boek van Jefferson vir die leser versigtig uitsif en aanbied.

English synopsis:

This book 'The Life and Morality of Jesus of Nazareth' (which has been translated into the Afrikaans language), was compiled by one of America's most famous statesman Thomas Jefferson. In terms of content it is a chronological compilation of the life of Jesus as told by the authors of the four canonical gospels. Jefferson removes any references in the text to the miracles and divine aspects of Jesus' story. The purpose of this exercise is to give the reader an insight into the life of Jesus as a human being and not as an exalted God. But what purpose would it serve to examine Jesus as a human being and not as a supernatural savior? The answer is obvious in the fact that any believer cannot follow Jesus' footsteps precicely. The power and might to perform miracles is unfortunately lacking in the reality of the overwhelming majority of humans. What the believer can accomplish though is to examine the philosophy and morals of Jesus as a human being and to reflect on and apply it to his/her daily life. It is this philisophical shortcut that Jefferson's book carefully distills and presents to the reader.

Afrikaanse vertaling deur E.W. de Villiers

In 1992 het 'n student genaamd Mark Mirabello (gedurende die verwerwing van sy doktoraad in geskiedenis) die leerstellings van die Odiniese broederbond teëgeloop. Hy het daarna 'n boek gepubliseer waarin hy onderhoude gevoer het met lede van hierdie groep. Die geloofwaardigheid en egtheid van hierdie broederbond kon egter nie bevestig word nie omdat daar voor 1992 geen vermelding van hierdie godsdiens of groep was nie.

Daarna het die boek "Teachings of the brotherhood of Odin" begin sirkuleer. Die boek is geskryf deur 'n anonieme penmeester. Nou of hierdie boek eg is of nie kan ook nie met enige sekerheid verklaar word nie. Maar dit is nie so belangrik soos die funksie wat hierdie boek vervul nie. Dit is 'n verkorte samestelling van die oorsprong, mites en legendes asook die filosofiese uitkyk van die voor Christelike Noorse heidene. Enige afrikaans-sprekende persoon wat belang het in hierdie onderwerp behoort dus waarde in hierdie vertaalde boek se bladsye te vind.

English synopsis:

In 1992 a student named Mark Mirabello stumbled accross the brotherhood of Odin (while doing research for his doctorate in history). He then published a book which contained interviews with members of this group. The veracity and authenticity of this brotherhood could not be established because no record existed of this religion or group before 1992. Afterwards the book "Teachings of the brotherhood of Odin" started to circulate. The book was penned by an anonymous author. Whether this book is genuine or not can also not be attested to with any veracity. But this is not as important as the function that this book fulfills. It is a shortened condensed version of the origin, myths and legends as well as the philisophical outlook of the pre-Christian Norse pagans. Any Afrikaans speaking individual who has an interest in this subject matter should thus find value within this translated books pages.
